I made the best soup tonight for dinner. Yes I realize it is very hot outside but our house is nice and cool and I was craving some comfort food. I needed to use up some of our organic vegetables and had a ton of red potatoes and garlic scape left. I got out a big pot and put in the cut up the garlic scape, red potatoes and a small onion, some celtic sea salt and freshly ground pepper, water, and epicure chicken soup base. I brought it to a boil then reduced the heat until the potatoes were tender. After it cooled for a bit I put half of it in the blender and pureed it and then added it back to the rest of the soup. It was so creamy and perfect and had a great taste. We grated some real parmesan cheese on the soup and had it with rice crackers, beets and pickles. The kids loved the soup and said it was the best soup ever :) :) They decided it would be perfect after hockey and figure skating. :)
For dessert we had banana soft serve with some organic peanut butter in it. mmm.
What is your fav kind of soup?
Have you tried banana soft serve, what do you like in it or just plain?
Why celtic sea salt?
I use celtic sea salt for most things now when I bake and cook. It is a whole sea salt with vital minerals, it has iron in it as well. I find the epicure chicken broth mix needs a bit of salt for our tastes, think I used about a tsp in the pot of salt.
I use Maldon Sea Salt, but I think I will try the Celtic Sea salt.
We use the celtic sea salt for everything now and it works great. I think I picked it up from the health food store, not sure if you can get it at the grocery store.
I found it last night...at Winners so I bought a jar.
Maldon salt is nice though as they are little flakes and melt nicely on the tongue. I first saw them in Jamie olivers restaurant in London.
Yum, where did you get the Maldon sea salt? Winners? I will have to get some of that as well.
You find the best things at Winners, I need to shop there more often.:) I am enjoying the vanilla bean paste, thanks again. Need to pick up some more. :)
Have a great night :)
No, the Maldon Sea Salt I found at Grace in the Kitchen on Bank St...but other places sell it as well.
The Winner's on Merivale has a whole bunch of the vanilla bean paste...I didn't know if you had found any yet or not....if I happen by there tonight after class I will pick one up for you...$10 which isn't bad considering you don't have to get it shipped.
I will have to look there for the salt or we can look when we go to the states.
I would love some more if you are shopping there. I really like the paste. Thanks :)
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