Sunday, August 22, 2010

Menu Planning

I have been planning and grocery shopping for the week ahead. Planning ahead saves time and money. I find it helpful to decide what meals we want to have during the week. I typically like to plan meals for a week keeping in mind kid's activities. On the days we will be going to sports I try to plan a crock pot, pasta or easy dinner so we can eat a healthy dinner before we leave. Here are a few of the meals I have planned for the next few days.

Breakfast; protein and fruit/veg smoothies, organic eggs, granola, greek yogurt, fruit, gf cereal and rice or almond milk, banana oatmeal, gluten free waffles and pancakes, gluten free toast, applesauce, nut butters, organic coffee, hot apple cider, organic juice, rice or almond milk, water

Lunch/Snacks;fruit, vegetables, rice crackers, leftovers from dinners, gf pizza, pb and banana sandwich on gf bread, breakfast items

*This week I am not planning breakfasts or lunches, I have all these foods in the house for breakfast/lunch choices. I will start planning them for back to school though to make it easier in the mornings.


  • Dinner out with relatives

  • Broccoli soup with homemade chicken broth, rice crackers, homemade pickles

  • Sweet Potato & Butternut squash soup with rice

  • Roast in crock pot, Vegetables, Quinoa

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